
Work With Us

How do we proceed

We are able to provide any design according to your needs. Because of that, we are prepared for any style you want, including minimalist, modern, traditional Scandinavian or Mediterranean, contemporary,  mid-century design, and many other styles according to your vision.

Tell Us What You Want

Give Us your ideas (how many rooms, the details you want to see, your style, etc). If you don't know what you want yet, don't worry, we will give you a questionnaire that will guide you.

Tell Us What You Want

This process is important because it will be the determinant factor for the decision of the price. The factors that determine the price include the number of rooms, details, what type of rooms, the complexity of the design, the style, etc.

Price Agreement

According to the number of rooms, complexity of design, details, and other aspects, we will decide the price. We will work to reach an agreement.

Price Agreement

We reach an agreement with the signing of a contract that will project not only us but our client.


We offer multiple payment options. After we receive the payment, we will dislocate our attention to the project in order to create aesthetics designs.


Depending on the project, you can pay with MB Way, Bank Transfer, PayPal, and Debit or Credit Card.

Measurements & Sketching

We can make your design according to your room's measurements (If you want). After that, we are going to make a simple 2D sketch to make sure everything is ready to start.

Measurements & Sketching

You don't pay more to have your design with the same measurements as in your room. We just need you to provide us with the measurements to start the sketch.


Next, we are going to design. The design will be inspired by your ideas, details and styles. We offer multiple revisions to the project in case you aren't satisfied.


This is the most time consuming step in order to create your project, but it's also the most exciting. At this point, we are able to provide you the estimated time of the design.


After we finish the design in 2D and 3D, we give you photos, videos, dynamic 360 degree views, and more. We create designs that can easily be shown to your carpenter, etc.


Since we deliver our project with images, videos, panoramic and 360º views, and others, people are able to show these designs to everyone they want, including for example, their carpenter, in order to facilitate your future work with them.

What Do We Do

Interior Design Services

Learn what we do in order to make a aesthetic and realistic project. There are a lot of steps involved, including sketching, modeling, designing, adding furniture and lightning, and rendering.

> Sketching

Sketches are an external representation aid for visualization and evaluation of the space. They are used in the early steps of the project in order to understand what is the spacial organization where we are going to work.

> Designing

Now, we will design and rearrange the space in order to fulfill your needs. This includes the add of lightning, furniture, details, styles, and much more. 

This is the most time consuming process but also the most entertaining for the designers and customer. 

> Furniture

We will give you details about the furniture used in the project, including the ranging prices, where you can buy them, and compare them with others that you might like.


Modern Fluffy Chair

Minimalist Hanging Lamp

> Rendering

This one of the last steps. Rendering allows the creation of photo-realistic images from 2D and 3D models. This step allows we to show you realistic photos, videos and 360 degree views of your project.


Tell Us A Few Words About Your Case

     Address : Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

     Number : 91 123-456-7890

     Email :

     Monday to Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM

     Saturday: 8.00 AM – 1.00 PM

     Sunday: Closed

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