Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

MDesign is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy lets you understand what information we collect, how we use it, and what we do to protect it.


By accessing our website, you accept our Privacy Policy, and you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. Each time you visit our website, and any time you voluntarily provide us with information, you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of the information that you provide, and you are consenting to the possibility of receiving emails or being contacted, when you give us information to do so.

2-Information We Collect

We may collect both “Non-Personal Information” and “Personal Information” about you. “Non-Personal Information” includes information that cannot be used to personally identify you, such as anonymous usage data, general information we may collect, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform types, preferences you submit and preferences that are generated based on the data you submit and number of clicks. “Personal Information” includes information that can be used to personally identify you, such as your name, address and email address, usage data, demographic information we may collect, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform types, preferences you submit and preferences that are generated based on the date you submit and number of clicks.

In addition, we may also track information provided to us by your browser or your mobile application when you visit our website, such as the website you came from, the type of browser you use, the device from which you connected to our website, the time and date of access, and other information that may personally identify you. We use this information for the operation and maintenance of the quality of our website ( and to collect general statistics about our public. We track this information using cookies, that will be explained in detail in the next section.


We use cookies to store information. They allow us to collect Personal Information about users and keep a record of the user’s preferences when utilizing our services. MDesign may use both persistent and session cookies. Persistent cookies remain in your computer after you close your section and until you delete them. Session cookies expire when you close the browser. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your Browser help file directions. You have the power to turn off your cookies in your browser options, or by making changes to Anti-Virus program tools. However, this may change the way you interact with our website, or other websites, sometimes not allowing some content to display.

4-Share and use of Information

We do not sell, trade, rent or share your Personal Information with third parties without your consent. We may share your Personal Information with third-party providers who are performing services for the Company.

All your personal information collected will be used to make our website as efficient and enjoyable as possible while visiting our website. The personal information that may be collected is displayed in section 2 (“Information We Collect”).

In the case of Non-Personal Information, we use this information to increase the efficiency on our website and customize the user experience. We also use this information in order to track trends, which may help us increase the functionality of our website. We reserve the right to use and disclose Non-Personal Information to third parties who are performing services for our Company.

5-Protection of Information

We implement precautions and we follow the industry best practices in order to protect your Personal Information, in order to avoid your Personal Information to be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed. However, the measures applied don’t guarantee that your Personal Information will not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed, even though it can be unlikely. By using our website you acknowledge that these possibilities exist and agree to assume the risks.

6-Links to other Websites

MDesign may display links to other websites. However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices by those websites or the information or content they contain. This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to information collected by us through our website, which means that this Privacy Policy doesn’t apply to third-party websites accessed by selecting a link displayed in our website. We encourage users to read the privacy statements of other websites before proceeding to use them.

7-Changes to our Privacy Policy

The company MDesign reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. In case we change our Privacy Policy, we will update our Privacy Policy so that you are aware of what changes have been done in the information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. It is your responsibility to check this website from time to time to view any such changes to the Privacy Policy.

8-Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this Site, or wish to withdraw your consent for the collection, use or disclosure of your Personal Information, please contact us by sending an email to

Last Updated: This Privacy Policy was last updated on 28th August 2023.